Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas

The subject of this report is the legal protection of indigenous peoples and minorities against interference (in the form of for example development projects) in their traditional areas, as enshrined in international human rights law and Norwegian law. Read the report “Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas” online here.

ENNHRI statement on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine

ENNHRI calls for an immediate cessation of the armed attack on Ukraine by the Russian Federation in accordance with the principles of international law, humanitarian law and human rights law, and urges the Russian government to implement the interim measures granted by the European Court of Human Rights.

Open letter from GANHRI to world leaders

In an open letter, NIM and 116 other National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) call on the participating States at COP26 to commit to greater emissions reductions to protect the human rights to life and health.

"COP26" i blå og grønn skrift over et bilde av Glasgow med en stilisert grafikk av jordkloden over.

NIM’s presence at COP26

Policy director, Jenny Sandvig, senior advisor Pete Dawson, and advisor Hannah Brænden will represent NIM at COP26 in Glasgow this week.

Presentation – States’ Human Rights Obligations to Mitigate Climate Change

Jenny Sandvig, Policy Director, Norway’s National Human Rights Institution Introduction I will now give a brief presentation on States’ human rights obligations to mitigate climate harm based on the recent reports of the Norwegian NHRI and the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI). Plan We don’t have enough time today to go into […]

Opening remarks

Opening remarks from Françoise Tulkens, former vice-president of the European Court of Human Rights, at our recent seminar on state’s human rights obligations to mitigate climate change.

Climate and Human Rights

This report is an updated and revised English version of the report “Klima og menneskerettigheter”, published by the Norwegian Institution for Human Rights (NIM) in October 2020.