Agreement Reached with Reindeer Owners in Fosen (updated)

The parties have reached an agreement in the mediation between south Fosen sijte and the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. For the reindeer owners in north Fosen, the situation is still unresolved, and it is urgent to find a solution that will end the human rights violation there as well.


NIMs participation at COP28

NIM’s director, Adele Matheson Mestad, is participating in COP28 to promote an appeal to delegations from 120 national human rights institutions and contribute to meaningful discussions on climate and human rights.

The cover of the report "The Metaverse and Human Rights

The Metaverse and Human rights

In this report we identify what the Metaverse is and what it may become, as well as what this could entail for people, society, politics and human rights. This report is the result of a collaboration between the Norwegian Board of Technology and the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution.

Front page of the report "Drug use and human rights"

Drug use and human rights

This is an English summary of the Norwegian report “Rus og menneskerettigheter”. The report covers human rights issues within three areas: The use of punishment in response to drug use; Health and care services for people using drugs; Legal protection against discrimination for people using drugs.

FNs logo (verdenskart omringet av laurberkrans i hvit med teksten "CEDAW" under, ved siden av en faksimile av rapportens første side.

NIM’s supplementary report to CEDAW

NIM has submitted the report ahead of the Committee’s assessment of Norway in February. The availability of crisis centres (shelters), investigation and prosecution of violence against women, and violence against vulnerable groups of women are some of the topics in the report.

Municipalities in Norway and Human Rights

The full report in Norwegian is available here. Municipalities in Norway have an independent responsibility to protect and promote human rights and they play a key role in safeguarding many human rights in practice. Municipalities are responsible for implementing human rights obligations in areas such as child welfare, care for the elderly and in primary […]