The Metaverse and Human Rights
- Introduction
- The Metaverse Vision
- The Building Blocks of the Metaverse
- Presence
- Extended Reality
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Collection and Protection
- Manipulation and Influence
- Avatars and Virtual People
- Coherence
- Interoperability and Data Portability
- A Virtual Economy
- Power and Control
- Identity
- Simultaneity
- Computing Power, Bandwidth and Latency
- Distribution and Access
- Carbon Footprint
- Human Rights in the Metaverse
- A Human Rights Approach
- Who is Accountable?
- Human Rights Accountability for States and Companies
- The state is the primary legal subject
- Do We Need New Human Rights?
- Fundamental Human Rights
- The Right to Life
- The Right to Personal Data
- Freedom of Thought and Expression
- Protection Against Discrimination
- The Right Not to be Monitored
- Rights in a Virtual Economy
- Future Scenarios
- The Free Metaverse – a Virtual Wild West
- One Metaverse to Rule them All – a Virtual Dictatorship?
- The Nerdverse
- Numerous Betaverses
- Legal Interaction and Collusion
- Consequential Issues for Rights in the Physical World
- The Right to Privacy for Virtual and Natural Persons
- Access to the Metaverse – and a Duty to Participate?
- Freedom of Opinion and Expression in Relation to Other Rights
- References
- Published:
- Updated:
- This is an English translation of a report originally published in Norwegian in December 2022.
The Norwegian version is available here. - Pages: 61
- Show report on one page
- Download pdf (best for print)