Canary in the Coal MineSámi Rights and Climate Change in Norway
- 1. Summary
- 2. Recommendations
- 3. Introduction
- 4. The rapidly closing window to prevent dangerous climate change
- 5. Norway’s GHG emissions and climate policies
- 6. Effects of climate change for the Sámi people
- 7. Protection of Indigenous rights under the ICCPR
- 8. Obligations to protect Indigenous Peoples from the effects of climate change
- 8.1 Existing HRC decisions on environmental harm
- 8.2 Positive obligations to protect the Sámi people from the effects of climate change
- 8.2.1 Applicability of Articles 17 and 27
- 8.2.2 Mitigation of climate change through emission reductions in line with science
- 8.2.3 Adaptation to existing or unpreventable climate change impacts
- 9. Obligations to protect Indigenous Peoples’ territories from intrusive interferences
- 10. Business responsibility to respect Sámi rights in the context of climate change
- Reference list
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- Pages: 64
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