Sami rights

Human rights body:
Human Rights Committee (CCPR)
Equality and non-discriminationHate speech and hate crimeInclusive education and diversityIndigenous and minority language instructionPolitical and civic participation
Populations of concern:
Sami/indigenous peoples

Recommended measures (6)

Measure types:
Policies, strategies, and action plansAwareness-raising and dissemination
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Culture

The State party should step up its efforts to combat stereotypical and discriminatory attitudes and discriminatory practices towards Sami individuals and the Sami peoples.

Measure types:
Laws and regulationsPractices and guidelinesConsultation
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

The State party should ensure meaningful consultation with the Sami peoples in practice and adopt a law for consultations with a view to obtaining their free, prior and informed consent, in consultation with them.

Measure type:
Ratification, reservation, and incorporation
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

The State party should address any outstanding concerns and facilitate the speedy adoption of the Nordic Sami Convention.

Measure type:
Laws and regulations
Responsible Ministries:
Ministry of Trade, Industry and FisheriesMinistry of Agriculture and FoodMinistry of Justice and Public Security

The State party should enhance the legal framework on Sami land, fishing and reindeer rights, ensuring in particular that fishing rights are recognized by law.

Measure types:
Laws and regulationsPolicies, strategies, and action plansFollow-up of recommendations
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Justice and Public Security

The State party should ensure effective and speedy follow-up to the proposals of the Sami Rights Committee of 2007 regarding land and resource rights in Sami areas outside of Finnmark.

Measure types:
Training and capacity buildingTeaching and curriculum
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Education and Research

The State party should increase the recruitment and training of Sami language teachers and increase the availability of Sami language instruction for Sami children in kindergarten in all regions.