Women’s access to justice in discrimination cases

Human rights body:
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
Access to court and legal aidEquality and non-discrimination
Populations of concern:

Recommended measures (3)

Measure type:
Statistics and research
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Culture

The Committee recommends that the State party speedily start conducting the review announced by the delegation to examine the reason for the high number of dismissals, rejections and closures of complaints [by the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal].

Measure type:
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Culture

The Committee recommends that the State party allocate the necessary human, technical and financial resources to strengthen the capacity of the Ombud to equip women complainants with the necessary knowledge and guidance for filing cases with the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal.

Measure type:
Practices and guidelines
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Culture

The Committee recommends that the State party set up a clear mechanism to follow up on and ensure that decisions of the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal are also reflected in structural change that is sustainable.