Respect for the views of the child
Recommended measures (5)
The State party should increase its efforts to strengthen compliance in practice with the child’s right to be heard, in particular with regard to children who are more vulnerable to exclusion in this regard, such as children with disabilities, children of a younger age and migrant, asylum-seeking and refugee children.
The State party should ensure that relevant professionals are regularly trained on implementing an age-appropriate, meaningful and empowered participation of children in decisions affecting their lives and sensitizing parents to the positive impact of respecting the views of their children.
The State party should strengthen the implementation of the child’s right to be heard in asylum and expulsion procedures affecting children, particularly with respect to younger children, and ensure that children are given the possibility to be heard individually in all instances in all cases affecting them.
The State party should ensure that children are informed about the possibility of participating in mediation processes in the context of their parents’ separation.
The State party should increase its efforts to ensure the meaningful participation of children in youth councils or other forums accessible to all children in all municipalities, address disparities in this regard and consider requiring each municipality to make participation in such forums or other types of participative bodies available to children.