This is an online tool to help you track international human rights recommendations to Norway and the government ministries responsible for their follow-up.

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Human rights bodies
Responsible Ministries
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Reporting cycles

Displaying all 206 recommendations:

Trafficking and exploitation of prostitution

Human rights body: CEDAWThemes: Equality and non-discriminationHuman traffickingPopulations of concern: WomenReporting cycle: 2022-

Recommended measures (4)

Women in prostitution

Human rights body: CEDAWThemes: Equality and non-discriminationLiving standardsViolence against women, girls and partnersWorking conditionsPopulations of concern: WomenReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (3)

Follow-up and dissemination of CRPD recommendations

Human rights body: CRPDTheme: ParticipationPopulations of concern: Persons with disabilitiesReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (3)

Follow-up and dissemination of CERD recommendations

Human rights body: CERDThemes: EmploymentEquality and non-discriminationPopulations of concern: Asylum seekers and refugeesChildrenReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (3)

National mechanism for international reporting and follow-up

Human rights body: CRCPopulations of concern: ChildrenReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (1)

Follow-up and dissemination of CRC recommendations

Human rights body: CRCPopulations of concern: ChildrenReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (1)

Implementation and visibility of the CEDAW

Human rights body: CEDAWPopulations of concern: Persons with an immigrant background and ethnic minoritiesWomenReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (2)

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