This is an online tool to help you track international human rights recommendations to Norway and the government ministries responsible for their follow-up.

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Displaying all 206 recommendations:

Persons with disabilities

Human rights body: CESCRThemes: Equality and non-discriminationParticipationPopulations of concern: Persons with disabilitiesReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (1)

Participation of persons with disabilities in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport

Human rights body: CRPDThemes: Equality and non-discriminationParticipation in cultural activitiesPopulations of concern: ChildrenPersons with disabilitiesReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (1)

Participation of persons with disabilities in political and public life

Human rights body: CRPDThemes: Political and civic participationPopulations of concern: Persons with disabilitiesWomenReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (2)

Social protection policies for persons with disabilities

Human rights body: CRPDTheme: Living standardsPopulations of concern: Persons with disabilitiesReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (1)

Employment of persons with disabilities

Human rights body: CRPDThemes: Access to employmentEquality and non-discriminationParticipationPopulations of concern: Persons with disabilitiesReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (5)

Accessibility of health-care services for persons with disabilities

Human rights body: CRPDThemes: Access to healthcarePopulations of concern: Persons with disabilitiesWomenReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (3)

Quality inclusive education for persons with disabilities

Human rights body: CRPDThemes: Access to court and legal aidEquality and non-discriminationInclusive education and diversityPopulations of concern: Persons with disabilitiesReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (5)

Support for parents with disabilities

Human rights body: CRPDThemes: Privacy and familyRemoval of children from parental carePopulations of concern: ChildrenPersons with disabilitiesReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (2)

Accessibility of public services and mass media for persons with disabilities

Human rights body: CRPDTheme: ParticipationPopulations of concern: Persons with disabilitiesReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (3)

Independent living arrangements for persons with disabilities

Human rights body: CRPDThemes: Independent living and participation in the communitySocial security (welfare)Use of coercive measuresPopulations of concern: Persons with disabilitiesReporting cycle: 2017-2020

Recommended measures (4)

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