Situation of asylum-seeking minors
Issue date:
CERDEquality and non-discriminationImmigration detention and reception centresAsylum seekers and refugeesChildren2017-2020
- Practices and guidelinesMinistry of Justice and Public SecurityThe State party should ensure that detention of asylum seekers is only used as a measure of last resort, for the shortest possible period of …
- Practices and guidelinesLaws and regulationsMinistry of Justice and Public SecurityMinistry of Children and FamiliesThe State party should ensure that the care of unaccompanied minors between the ages of 15 and 18 is transferred from the Directorate of Immigration …
- Practices and guidelinesLaws and regulationsMinistry of Justice and Public SecurityThe State party should ensure the effective implementation of the 2017 decision of the Norwegian parliament to give some unaccompanied minors who have received time-limited …