Ethnicity data for monitoring child rights

Human rights body:
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
Equality and non-discrimination
Populations of concern:
ChildrenPersons with an immigrant background and ethnic minorities

Recommended measures (1)

Measure type:
Statistics and research
Responsible Ministries:
Ministry of Children and FamiliesMinistry of Finance

The Committee, while welcoming the availability of disaggregated data on a significant number of issues, encourages the State party to increase its efforts to ensure that its data-collection system allows for the collection of disaggregated data related to all areas of the Convention. In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party disaggregate data by ethnicity, as the absence of such data prevents the State party from gaining the knowledge needed to measure discrimination based on ethnicity and develop measures to overcome it, in particular regarding children exposed to intersecting forms of discrimination.