Children deprived of a family environment

Human rights body:
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
Abuse, neglect and sexual exploitation against childrenMunicipalitiesPolitical and civic participationPovertyRemoval of children from parental care
Populations of concern:
ChildrenPersons with an immigrant background and ethnic minoritiesPersons with disabilitiesRomaRomani/TaterSami/indigenous peoples

Recommended measures (7)

Measure type:
Practices and guidelines
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Children and Families

The State party should ensure that all forms of separation of children from their parents are always in the best interests of the child, including by: (i) Reviewing the current practices relating to out-of-home placements, deprivation of parental rights and limitation of contact rights with a view to ensuring that such drastic steps are only used as measures of last resort, are based on the needs and best interests of the child and are subject to adequate safeguards, with a particular emphasis on children of Roma families, who, it seems, are being separated from their families with disproportionate frequency; (ii) Ensuring that all municipalities follow the same criteria regarding out-ofhome placements; (iii) Providing parents with the necessary support to avoid separation from their children.

Measure types:
Practices and guidelinesTraining and capacity building
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Children and Families

The State party should review the procedures for removing children in emergency cases and provide for a more sensitive approach, ensure that no form of coercion is used and provide regular training to relevant professionals in that regard.

Measure type:
Statistics and research
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Children and Families

The State party should conduct research on the reasons behind the significant disparities among counties regarding children subjected to alternative care measures and emergency placements.

Measure type:
Practices and guidelines
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Children and Families

The State party should ensure that siblings are not separated when placed in alternative care.

Measure type:
Practices and guidelines
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Children and Families

The State party should ensure periodic review of the placement of children in foster care and institutions, and monitor the quality of care therein, including by providing accessible channels for reporting and remedying maltreatment of children.

Measure type:
Training and capacity building
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Children and Families

The State party should take the measures necessary, including adequate training of personnel, to ensure that children belonging to an indigenous or national minority group who are placed in alternative care learn about and maintain their connection to their native culture.

Measure type:
Awareness-raising and dissemination
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Children and Families

The State party should improve communication and information exchange between child welfare services and families, in particular migrant families.