Viser 31–40 av 271 treff.
Cover of the report: Canary in the Coal Mine – Sámi Rights and Climate Change in Norway

Canary in the Coal Mine

Chapter: 7. Protection of Indigenous rights under the ICCPR

7.1 Introduction Several human rights conventions are relevant to Indigenous Peoples’ rights. However, Article 27 of the ICCPR is the most important provision pertaining to the protection of Indigenous Peoples’ cultural practices.125Article 27 is also mirrored in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ensuring the cultural rights of indigenous children, see CRC […]

The cover of the report "The Metaverse and Human Rights

The Metaverse and Human Rights

Chapter: The Building Blocks of the Metaverse

Extended reality and artificial intelligence will be fundamental building blocks in the Metaverse, with computing power, network capacity and payment systems as key prerequisites. Technology will increase challenges associated with data protection, manipulation and surveillance. Presence Embedded in the vision for the Metaverse is the idea of providing people with a sense of actual presence. […]

Cover of the report: Canary in the Coal Mine – Sámi Rights and Climate Change in Norway

Canary in the Coal Mine

Chapter: 6. Effects of climate change for the Sámi people

The rapidly changing Arctic climate poses several human rights challenges for the Sámi people, negatively impacting their culture, livelihoods and health. This chapter will explore the effects of climate change on Sámi reindeer husbandry, fishing, and health. Both reindeer husbandry and fishing are central parts of the Sámi people’s identity and their social, cultural and […]

Climate and Human Rights

Chapter: 7. Procedural Rights

Environmental rights also include procedural rights. The procedural rights are not about the content of decisions, but they place certain requirements on the procedure in climate and environmental cases. 7.1. Introduction The main category of procedural rights is what one might call participatory rights. Participatory rights include the right to environmental information, the right to […]

Submission to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights regarding the General Comment on the impacts of drug policies on ESC rights

NIM has sent written input to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights regarding the Committee’s ongoing work to draft a General Comment on the impacts of drug policies on economic, social and cultural rights. NIM’s input is based on the Committee’s draft annotated outline to the General Comment.

To:UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Cover of the report: Canary in the Coal Mine – Sámi Rights and Climate Change in Norway

Canary in the Coal Mine

Chapter: 8. Obligations to protect Indigenous Peoples from the effects of climate change

Climate change threatens the effective enjoyment of a whole range of human rights for all, including the rights to life, private life and home, health, property and culture. Indigenous Peoples are among the groups whose human rights are particularly vulnerable to climate change. There is internationally no legally binding right to a healthy environment as […]

Undervisningspakke i menneskerettigheter

Ungdomskolen Denne undervisningspakken er et interaktivt undervisningsopplegg som elevene kan jobbe med på skolen eller ved digital undervisning. Fag: Samfunnsfag, KRLE og norsk Tidsbruk: 5–10 timer Tema: Ytringsfrihet, demokrati og medborgerskap, menneskerettigheter Kompetanse: Undervisningspakken er en fordypning i menneskerettigheter og har som mål å bidra til forståelse av hvorfor vi har menneskerettigheter, hvem de gjelder for […]

Climate and Human Rights

Chapter: Summary

Who is NIM? The Norwegian National Human Rights Institution (Norges institusjon for menneskerettigheter, NIM) is an independent public body established by the Norwegian Parliament to strengthen and protect human rights in accordance with the Constitution, the Human Rights Act and international human rights law. What is the link between climate and human rights? Climate change […]

Climate and Human Rights

Chapter: 10. The Way Forward

This chapter summarises the report’s main message and gives an indication of NIM’s work on human rightsrelated climate commitments in the future. 10.1. Overview As of the writing of this report, the CO2 level in the atmosphere is 417 ppm. That is higher than in at least 1 million years.2Chapter 2 of […]