Viser 21–22 av 22 treff.

NIMs historikk og grunnlag

[…] menneskerettigheter enstemmig vedtatt. NIM ble formelt opprettet 1. juli 2015, men startet sin virksomhet i nye lokaler i 2016. I januar 2017 ble Gáldu – Kompetansesenteret for urfolks rettigheter, innlemmet i NIM. Det innebar at NIM fikk økt kompetanse på urfolksrettigheter, og et eget regionkontor i Kautokeino. Vedtaket om å slå sammen Gáldu og […]

Cover of the report: Canary in the Coal Mine – Sámi Rights and Climate Change in Norway

Canary in the Coal Mine

The escalating climate crisis raises complex questions at the intersection of law, policy and science. Climate change threatens the effective enjoyment of a wide range of human rights, including the rights to life, private and family life and home, health, and culture. The purpose of this report is to examine the human rights protection of the Sámi people in Norway from the effects of climate change, who in many ways are the “canaries in the coalmine” of the climate crisis.