Viser 21–30 av 271 treff.

Menneskerettighetene i Norge i 2021

NIMs Ă„rsmelding for 2021 (Dokument 6 2021–2022) ble overlevert Stortinget 29. mars. I Ă„rsmeldingen redegjĂžr NIM for utviklingen av menneskerettighetssituasjonen i Norge, institusjonens virksomhet og gir anbefalinger til myndighetene om ivaretakelsen av menneskerettighetene.

Recommendations in the Annual Report to Parliament for 2023

Each year, NIM focuses on some selected topics and issues that are highlighted in the Annual Report. These are the five issues that raise important human rights questions, to which NIM believes Parliament should pay particular attention.

Menneskerettighetene i Norge i 2022

NIMs Ă„rsmelding for 2022 (Dokument 6 2022–2023) ble overlevert Stortinget 29. mars. I Ă„rsmeldingen redegjĂžr NIM for utviklingen av menneskerettighetssituasjonen i Norge, institusjonens virksomhet og gir anbefalinger til myndighetene om ivaretakelsen av menneskerettighetene.

Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas

Chapter: 6. Business and Human Rights – An Indigenous Peoples’ Perspective

Many of the cases concerning corporate human rights responsibilities in Norway concern indigenous peoples’ rights. Companies do not have human rights obligations, but companies are usually responsible for the development and utilisation of natural resources. There are several guidelines and principles (particularly within the UN and the OECD frameworks) that seek to “build bridges” over […]

Climate and Human Rights

Chapter: 6. Climate in the UN Human Rights System

6.1. Introduction The various UN human rights bodies are increasingly devoting attention to the effects of climate change on the realisation of human rights. The main instruments for the protection of human rights globally are the UN human rights conventions. The two most general of these are the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political […]

Undervisningspakke i menneskerettigheter

VideregĂ„ende Denne undervisningspakken er et interaktivt undervisningsopplegg som elevene kan jobbe med pĂ„ skolen eller ved digital undervisning. Fag: Norsk, samfunnskunnskap, rettslĂŠre, politikk og menneskerettigheter, religion Tidsbruk: 5–10 timer Tema: Ytringsfrihet, demokrati og medborgerskap, menneskerettigheter Kompetanse: Undervisningspakken er en fordypning i menneskerettigheter og har som mĂ„l Ă„ gi en forstĂ„else av hvorfor vi har menneskerettigheter, hvem de […]

Climate and Human Rights

Chapter: 8. ClimateDisplaced People

Over the past few decades, climate change has truly begun to materialise. The world has seen a significant increase in extreme weather, heatwaves, droughts and floods. This has serious consequences for a significant portion of the world’s population. 8.1. Introduction According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there is a risk that […]

Cover of the report: Canary in the Coal Mine – Sámi Rights and Climate Change in Norway

Canary in the Coal Mine

Chapter: 5. Norway’s GHG emissions and climate policies

In 2020, there were 48.9 million tonnes of CO2equivalents emitted domestically in Norway. The biggest emissions sources in Norway are oil and gas extraction (24.5%), other industry (23%), road traffic (17%), other transport (15%), and agriculture (10%). Norway has to a large degree achieved […]

Cover of the report: Canary in the Coal Mine – Sámi Rights and Climate Change in Norway

Canary in the Coal Mine

Chapter: 10. Business responsibility to respect Sámi rights in the context of climate change

In Norway, many of the cases pertaining to corporate human rights responsibility concern Indigenous Peoples’ rights. While only governments have direct human rights responsibilities under international law, corporations are normally responsible for the development and utilisation of natural resources. Over the past couple of decades, increasing attention has been paid to companies’ responsibilities for human […]

The cover of the report "The Metaverse and Human Rights

The Metaverse and Human Rights

Chapter: Human Rights in the Metaverse

The Metaverse will present some fundamental challenges to human rights. The more extensive the Metaverse becomes, the greater the impact on human rights will be – for better or worse. A Human Rights Approach The Metaverse has the potential to become a phenomenon that will impact our human rights in transformational ways comparable to the […]