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Guidance and advice

Here you will find information about where to turn if you need guidance, advice or legal assistance, as well as national and international complaint mechanisms.

Compilation of UN recommendations to Norway 20172020

In the period 2017–2020, Norway reported to all relevant UN treatybodies as well as the Human Rights Council. NIM is actively involved in the reporting ­processes through ­consultations with state institutions, ombudsman offices as well as civil society. NIM also submits supplementary reports and participates in the proceedings of the UN bodies. This compilation provides […]

Climate and Human Rights

Chapter: 5. The European Convention on Human Rights

The right to life and wellbeing pursuant to Articles 2 and 8 of the ECHR commits the State to protect citizens from real and imminent risks from environmental and natural disasters. This chapter discusses how this obligation relates to greenhouse gas emissions. 5.1. Introduction The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) does not explicitly contain […]

Climate and Human Rights

Chapter: 9. Climate Litigation Based on Human Rights

Around 1550 climate actions are currently in progress in courts around the world. As of today, approximately 41 are based on human rights, and the number is rising.2Setzer and Byrnes (2020), Global trend in climate change litigation: 2020 snapshot, Grantham […]

Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas

Chapter: 7. The Way Forward

ICCPR Article 27 applies as Norwegian law and it has precedence in conflict with other laws, but the assessment topics in this provision should have a clearer footprint in national law. For both the Sami and the developers, a more detailed regulation would provide a greater degree of due process and predictability in this important […]

Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas

Chapter: 4. Human Rights Protection against Interference – The Supreme Court

Supreme Court judgments where ICCPR Article 27 is a factor, largely follow the practice of the Human Rights Committee. The Fosen judgment, from October 2021, constitutes the most thorough interpretation and application of Article 27 in Norwegian law to date. The judgment is based on previous Supreme Court decisions, but also provides a number of […]

Thematic report 2018 – Violence and Abuse in Sámi Communities

[…] understand the challenges that prevent Sámi victims of violence from receiving adequate help and the measures implemented by Norwegian authorities to remedy this problem. We point out deficiencies in the State’s compliance with its obligation to secure the rights and freedoms of the people within its jurisdiction and make a number of recommendations for improvement.

Why Does the ECtHR Find Human Rights Violations in Cases Concerning the Norwegian Child Welfare Services

This is an english summary of the report “Hvorfor dømmes Norge i EMD? En statusrapport om barnevernsfeltet”, originally published in Norwegian in December 2020. 1. Introduction Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the subject matter of this report. In this status report on child welfare, the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution (Norges Institusjon for Menneskerettigheter, […]

Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas

Chapter: 1. Introduction

The subject of this report is the legal protection of indigenous peoples and minorities against interference (in the form of for example development projects) in their traditional areas, as enshrined in international human rights law and Norwegian law. While existing legal protection is not always strong enough to prevent traditional Sami areas in Norway from […]

Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas

Chapter: 2. International Conventions and Their Status in Norwegian Law

Through the Human Rights Act, the Equality and AntiDiscrimination Act and the Finnmark Act, several of the key human rights provisions concerning the protection of indigenous peoples’ rights have been made directly applicable in Norwegian law. 2.1 Incorporation of human rights into Norwegian law Human rights conventions, as with other conventions or treaties, are legally […]