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NIMs pressemeldinger finner du i vårt nyhetsrom på Alle nyhetssaker finner du i vårt nyhetsarkiv her.

Women with disabilities

Recommendations 2019

Each year the Norwegian Human Rights Institution (NIM) highlights some chosen subjects and issues in the annual report. This is an english translation of the recommendations for 2019. Annual report in Norwegian available here. Child Welfare NIM recommends: Regulations and practices in the field of child welfare must be assessed against the European Court of […]

Climate and Human Rights

Chapter: 3. The Link Between Climate Change and Human Rights

Climate change has enormous consequences for nature and the environment. This chapter conceptualises the link between climate and human rights. 3.1. Introduction There is a clear link between climate risk and the interests that are protected by human rights. A damaged climate system will affect nature as […]

Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas

Chapter: Source list

Conventions/Covenants European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), 4 November 1950. UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), 7 March 1965. UN International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), 16 December 1966. UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), 16 December 1966. Vienna Convention on the […]

The cover of the report "The Metaverse and Human Rights

The Metaverse and Human Rights

Chapter: The Metaverse Vision

The Metaverse is the vision of a sensory and immersive internet that will connect social media, games and 3D graphics. Instead of browsing the internet, the Metaverse will give us the sensation of being fully immersed within virtual realms. From Vision to Reality The vision of the Metaverse is not new. Parallel virtual worlds have […]

The cover of the report “Du har ikke noe her å gjøre”.

“You don’t belong here”

This is an English summary of the report “Du har ikke noe her å gjøre” (“You don’t belong here”). This report examines experiences of discrimination and stigmatisation among people with substance use disorders when interacting with public services.