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The cover of the report "The Metaverse and Human Rights

The Metaverse and Human Rights

Chapter: References

Andrae, Anders S. G. (2022) Net global effect of digital – power and carbon. Conference, Future societies – digitalization and energy demand. Retrieved from: Ball, Matthew (2022) The Metaverse, And How it Will Revolutionize Everything. Liveright Publishing Corporation, New York. Brown, Sara (2022) What Second Life and Roblox can teach us about the metaverse. […]

The cover of the report "The Metaverse and Human Rights

The Metaverse and Human Rights

In this report we identify what the Metaverse is and what it may become, as well as what this could entail for people, society, politics and human rights. This report is the result of a collaboration between the Norwegian Board of Technology and the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution.

Cover of the report: Canary in the Coal Mine – Sámi Rights and Climate Change in Norway

Canary in the Coal Mine

The escalating climate crisis raises complex questions at the intersection of law, policy and science. Climate change threatens the effective enjoyment of a wide range of human rights, including the rights to life, private and family life and home, health, and culture. The purpose of this report is to examine the human rights protection […]

Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas

Chapter: 3. Human Rights Protection against Interference in cultural practices – International Law

Article 27 of the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is the most important provision on the protection of indigenous peoples’ cultural practices. Other provisions in the ICCPR, as well as provisions in ILO 169 and ICERD, are also important for this protection. 3.1 Introduction Several human rights conventions have provisions that are […]

About NIM

The United Nations recommends that all States have a National Human Rights Institution to protect and promote human rights within their jurisdiction. In Norway, the National Human Rights Institution is called “Norges Institusjon for Menneskerettigheter” or “NIM” for short. We are headquartered in Oslo and have a second office in Kautokeino, with a total of […]

Cover of the report: Canary in the Coal Mine – Sámi Rights and Climate Change in Norway

Canary in the Coal Mine

Chapter: Reference list

Norwegian legal sources Laws and regulations Transparency Act: Act of 18 June 2021 no. 99 relating to enterprises’ transparency and work on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions. Climate Change Act. Act of 16 June 2017 no. 60 on climate targets. NIM Act: Act of 22 May 2015 no. 33 relating to the Norwegian […]

Human Rights Protection against Interference in Traditional Sami Areas

Chapter: 5. Human Rights Protection against Interference – Administrative Practice

Human rights have become increasingly important in Norwegian administrative practice in recent decades. This is also reflected in cases of interference in Sami areas of use. The rights pursuant to ICCPR Article 27 are relevant in many types of interferences in Sami areas. 5.1 Introduction This chapter sheds light on how the administration assesses the […]

A Human RightsBased Approach to Sámi Statistics in Norway

The report outlines the human rightsbased approach to indigenous statistics, explaining why disaggregated data is essential for the implementation of indigenous rights, but also why appropriate safeguards must be in place to protect indigenous peoples’ data and prevent its misuse. In addition, the report considers the history of Sámi statistics in Norway and examines the […]


Climate and Human Rights

Chapter: Reference List

Laws and regulations Climate Change Act. Act of 16 June 2017 no. 60 on climate targets. Equality and AntiDiscrimination Act: Act of 16 June 2017 no. 51 relating to equality and a prohibition against discrimination. NIM Act: Act of 22 May 2015 no. 33 relating to the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution. Nature Diversity Act: […]