Taking stock of climate change and human rights – what’s new since COP26, and what to expect going forward?

Bellona Pavilion in the Blue Zone at COP27
Blue Zone

Join us for a stocktake on recent developments in the field of human rights and climate change. What has happened since COP26, what can we expect from COP27 and going forward?

You will hear from leading experts in human rights and environmental law, legal practitioners and campaigners with substantial experience from negotiations at COPs or from working on the ground with climate change and human rights. They will discuss issues like how human rights are integrated under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, recent developments in human rights and climate change law and litigation, and human rights approaches to mitigation and loss and damage. The event also provides you with an opportunity to hear from and ask questions to speakers from ClientEarth, the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), the Co-Chair of the Paris Agreement’s Implementation and Compliance Committee and national human rights institutions (NHRIs) on these issues.


  • Christina Voigt, Professor of the University of Oslo and Co-Chair of the Paris Agreement’s Implementation and Compliance Committee
  • Laura Clarke, CEO of ClientEarth
  • Lien Vandamme, Senior Campaigner for CIEL’s Climate & Energy Program
  • Jenny Sandvig, Chief Policy Director, Norwegian National Human Rights Institution
  • Robert Cadiz, President of the Climate Action and Human Rights Institute and former Commissioner at the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines (an NHRI).

Moderated by Hannah Brænden, Advisor at Norwegian National Human Rights Institution