Play and recreational activities for children

Human rights body:
Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
Participation in cultural activities
Populations of concern:
ChildrenPersons with an immigrant background and ethnic minoritiesPersons with disabilitiesReligious communities

Recommended measures (1)

Measure type:
Policies, strategies, and action plans
Responsible Ministry:
Ministry of Children and Families

The Committee welcomes the Fritidserklæringen declaration, which enables Norwegian children to participate free of charge in an activity in their spare time. It draws the State party’s attention to its general comment No. 17 (2013) on the right of the child to rest, leisure, play, recreational activities, cultural life and the arts, and recommends that the State party increase opportunities for children with limited financial means, those with disabilities, those with a minority ethnic background and those from an isolated religious community to benefit from access to safe, accessible, inclusive spaces for play and recreational activities.